Some leaders only believe in winners and losers. That's a toxic way for a leader to think.
What does it mean to think about art in military terms like in the book War of Art. In the War of Art Steven Pressfield talks about the fact that every metaphor is imperfect. Try different metaphors for your art and for your life.
I recently watched a deep dive with Austin Kleon (Author of Show Your Work, Steal Like an Artist, and more) and Ali Abdaal (productivity Youtuber). Austin Kleon recommended reading feminist writers. They give you a whole different model to think about the world. It's not based on competition or hierarchy.
Young men growing up are given crappy metaphors. Some leaders only believe in winners and losers. That's a toxic way for a leader to think.
Some leaders always think in 0 sum terms. There has to be a loser... in my opinion that's not how you should run a society.
I have made it my goal for this next couple months to study feminists and people from different cultures to widen my lens and see the world from other perspectives. Men's perspective is typically hierarchical. Western World is all about linear progress, whereas Eastern World is more about cyclical progress.
There is a clear correlation between this cyclical progress and creating art. Think about an author writing books. Think about a musician preparing for concerts. This progress is not linear, but cyclical. My most recent change in thinking is to be okay with cyclical progress rather than linear progress.